Welcome To Our New Bean - Costa Rica Tarrazu!

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Last week, we released our new bean, the Costa Rica- Tarrazu! We’ve had it on espresso for the past few days in the shop and we’ve had a great response from everyone.


The bean itself is from the Tarrazu region of Costa Rica, where the warm climate, the rich volcanic soil and the high altitudes combine to create perfect growing conditions for our beans.

The harvesting season is between November and March, which coincides with the dry season in Costa Rica.


The farmers use a selective harvesting process, where the coffee fruit is picked by hand. Farmers process the coffee beans via the washed process method, where the bean is pulped from the coffee fruit by a machine, then let to ferment in water with the fruit for 1-2 days. Then the bean is cleaned of the fruit and let to dry until they are ready.


The bean is lightly roasted which allows this bean’s citrus acidity to shine through! This acidity is coupled with a chocolate like sweetness, creating a light but smooth mouth feel.

Brewing recommendations:

We have tried this bean on numerous methods and we love it on both espresso and V60. We find that the coffee is at it’s best at 17.5 grams of coffee brewed for 27 seconds on espresso and 21 grams for the V60.

Try it for yourself, let us know what you think! We also have free shipping until the end of December. Perfect for your Christmas Shopping!